Episode 24: Amanda Hahn-Peters

Episode 24: Amanda Hahn-Peters

Over the course of the pandemic, one thing I tried to do each week was a couple of virtual coffees. These were sometimes with local people I missed seeing in my everyday life, and sometimes they were people I had met on Twitter. One thing we all learned was how to...
Episode 23: Christoph Trappe

Episode 23: Christoph Trappe

Here’s what I’m going to say about Monday’s show: If you own a business and you keep asking “what else can we do to get our name out there?” then this episode is for you. Christoph Trappe is one of those people I’ve consistently...
Episode 25: John Cloonan

Episode 25: John Cloonan

I first met Monday’s guest, John Cloonan, sometime last summer on Twitter. As with so many of my guests, we met in a tweetchat and then took the conversation offline with a virtual coffee. John lives down in Atlanta and is a motorcycle driver. I, of course, am...
Episode 19: Christy Smallwood

Episode 19: Christy Smallwood

I first met Monday’s guest, Christy Smallwood, several years ago. I was considering joining a local Chamber of Commerce and she was telling me why I should do it. I was hesitant… seemed like an investment of both money and time. Time was a bigger...
Episode 17: Mara White

Episode 17: Mara White

Look. Some weeks I am able to write these blogposts on Friday mornings just after the kids leave for school and before my 8:30 coffee chat. The topic is so focused and targeted I just let the words come out and just like that a blogpost is written. Well this one is...
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