
One of the best parts of the pandemic, has been the opportunity to expand our networking beyond our local communities. I’ve met so many people online, have carried those conversations offline and have truly made my network bigger.

Take Dennis Shiao, for instance. Dennis and I met on a tweetchat, had a virtual coffee and the next thing I knew, he invited me to come to the Bay Area Content Marketing Meetup. Pre-covid the only people who would be invited to something like that would be people who live in the Bay Area. But today, that’s not an issue. I joined Dennis about a month ago to talk through how easy it is to start a livestream (if I can do it, anyone can). I met some great people, shared what I’ve learned, and made some real connections.

Want to catch up on that event? Click here. 

So Monday Dennis is getting up extra early to join me on the show. I hope you’ll be there too!

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