It’s been a while, bear with me.

It’s been a while, bear with me.

You know that feeling when you’ve been out of touch for a while and then it gets to be so long that you’re almost like, “what do I even say to break back in? Why bother?” Maybe you’ve not hit that point ever. But.. well… here I am. ...
You get what you pay for.

You get what you pay for.

Have you ever lost a client because you weren’t the cheapest? Not that you weren’t the least expensive, but that you weren’t the cheapest? There’s a difference. Years ago, we had a client with whom we loved working. They had great content, were...
The 3 things I hope we keep post-COVID

The 3 things I hope we keep post-COVID

Earlier today I was on a networking call with a new colleague/friend. He said something that struck me as, surprisingly, not all that weird. He said that someone had asked him around Thanksgiving last week what he was grateful for and his response was the pandemic. He...
Facing Fears

Facing Fears

The past few weeks have been all about trying something new, getting out of my comfort zone and, yes, facing my fears. Ok ok ok, I haven’t really left my house to do any of this, but still, go with me here. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while now,...
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